Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Opening Day - 2005

It wasn't until the summer of 2005 that I started to get really excited about deer hunting again.  There was an old man that went to our church named Henry Neal. Mr. Henry lived on a 100 acre farm just outside of town. One Sunday when he was over at my in-laws for lunch something was mentioned about deer hunting and he invited me to come out to his place because according to him they were all over the place. I drove over to check the place out and saw some good sign and even a few deer. I picked out a tree and on opening day of gun season, October 22, 2005 I was ready for some action. My stand was on the edge of a field overlooking a cut-over area in front of me and the field behind me. Within an hour of daylight I saw some movement on top of the ridge in the cut-over and put up the scope to see it. It was the biggest buck I had ever seen while I was hunting. I wasn't sure how big it was, but I saw antlers filling up the scope and I knew I was going to take the shot. I aimed my Browning 7mm-.08 Micro Medallion and squeezed the trigger and saw the buck drop in his tracks. I was so excited I could barely breathe. I called Jason and he drove out to where I was hunting and took the photo for me.

Opening day, 10.22.05

I couldn't believe it...opening day and the biggest buck I had ever killed - a 10 pointer. I was so excited. I couldn't wait to drive home to show Serenity and the kids.

Gracie (3) & Walker (7 mo.) checking out the buck on opening day, 10.22.05

It was a special morning that I will never forget. I sure am glad that Jason was able to come out and take the photo for me.

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