Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Hunt #4 - Finally a buck!

October 8th was my fourth hunt of the season and it ended up being the most exciting. I had moved my stand location to a spot where I could have a shot at deer coming from three different trails so I was anticipating some action. 
I was also excited because a few days prior I had gotten a spike on camera and I was hoping to see him. Even if the only buck I saw was that spike, it would still be exciting since all I had been seeing were doe.

So I was sitting down hunting by 6:40 a.m. and everything was quiet. Not quiet as cold as in previous weeks, and a slight wind blowing. The action started around 8 a.m. when I could see a doe and a yearling feeding on acorns about 75 yards away. I was completely focused on them and after a few minutes I noticed that the yearling kept looking in my direction - not at me but towards the area I was in. Finally I glanced to my right, and there were two deer standing 20 yards from my tree, one of which was the spike in the photo above. The doe with him was kind of small and I decided that I wouldn't shoot either one of them, but they both gave me several opportunities and it was very tempting. I was very happy that none of the deer smelled me at all, so I was thinking that washing my camo in the scent free detergent and taking my shower with scent-free shampoo & soap must be working.

About 20 minutes after the spike & doe left the doe & yearling that had been feeding about 75 yards away circled around in the woods and came out right near my stand and gave a great 15-20 yard shot, but I decided not to take it.

I ended up getting down at 9:30 a.m. to go do some scouting at the Blanton Creek Wildlife Management Area for the Adult - Child hunt that was coming up the following weekend. It was a fun morning...

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